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Tips From the Payroll Experts
We ARE Canada’s leading expert on all things payroll AND we employ Canada’s top experts in payroll. While they help payroll professionals regularly, they can also provide people like yourself with detailed information about pay.
A paycheque is not always straightforward and easy to interpret, but our payroll professionals can help. The sooner you understand your pay, the sooner you can be making financial decisions that benefit you in the short and long-term.
Common examples and scenarios working Canadians face on a daily basis are contained in the videos below. We answer ‘What is a statutory holiday?’, ‘What happens when you start or leave a job?’, ‘What are the deductions from your cheque?’, and detail ‘How can payroll help you save?’. Just imagine, knowing all of this information – you’ll be confident in understanding your pay and be ready for so many of life’s major events!
Check out the videos below and you too can #OwnYourPay.
What Happens When I Quit My Job?
Final Payments When Leaving a Job
How You Earn Vacation Pay
Your Pay: The difference between what you make and what you take home
How to Work with Payroll to Save More
Don’t Spend That Bonus Money Yet
How Does Statutory Holiday Pay Work?
Check out our Statutory Holidays list to find out which days you have off in your province.
Why Your T4 is Important
Unfamiliar with certain pay terms? Visit our Pay Terminology section for 70 helpful definitions.
Wait. What Happened to my Canada Pension Plan Contributions?
Will your Long Term Disability (LTD) lapse while on parental or maternity leave?
Preparing to Work: Social Insurance Number
What is a Pay Statement?
Want to learn more about your Pay Statement? Check out our online Pay Statement Explainer.
Seasonal Employment Explained
What you need to know about working multiple jobs
What Happens When You Are Fired?
How Often Do I Get Paid?
I’m new to Canada. How do I start getting paid?
You’re short on funds, and payday is a week away
What If My Pay Is Wrong?
Cash Shortages From an Employee
Other Potential Deductions From Your Paycheque
Employment Insurance Deductions from Your Pay
How does overtime pay work?
For more details on overtime pay, check out the Canadian Overtime Pay Rules.
Is overtime pay taxed higher?
What’s the best way to save from each payday?
Is there a way to have more taxes taken off my pay?
Are employers allowed to hold back two weeks pay when you start a new job?
If you’ve just starting a new job, you’ll want to check out our Canadian Minimum Hourly Wage Rates section.