Helpful Resources

The National Payroll Institute’s Own Your Pay is here to help Canadians better understand their paycheque by answering common – and sometimes uncommon – questions about your pay.

Employees starting their first job will want to check out the Minimum Wage Rates and Pay Statement Explainer. Both of these will help you better anticipate your take-home pay and take the stress out of knowing what will be desposited into your bank account on payday.

More experienced professionals will want to check out our Overtime Rules page and Statutory Holidays sections. These will allow you to anticipate any fluctuations in wages and plan ahead for time off.

Pay Statement Explainer

Whether we are paid weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, we all receive a statement of our pay. The tool  explains deductions, your net pay and several other important definitions. This will allow you to remove any confusion about what you take home and to better budget for expenses.
Our Pay Statement Explainer goes into detail in easy to understand terms – you’ll be a pay statement expert in no time!

Pay Terminology

Learn over 70 pay terms that affect most Canadians. Includes definitions of common items like net pay and employment insurance. You can better Own Your Pay – from spending to saving – by knowing the in’s and out’s of all the terms related to it.

Canadian Minimum Hourly Wage Rates

This handy chart includes minimum wage amounts for all provinces and territories. It also includes the date each current minimum wage was established – giving you the latest up-to-date information. Know what to expect the minimum you’ll be paid per hour to allow you to budget and save for the future.

Statutory Holidays

Did you know that one province has 11 paid days off for employees a year, while another has 6? Find out the days off you are entitled to and the days you’ll be paid extra to work with this helpful info. You’ll be able to anticipate any extra income and plan your time off!

Canadian Overtime Pay Rules

You worked 50 hours last week – what does that mean for your pay? Are you paid an extra amount on your cheque or will you qualify for overtime with those hours? Find out with the rules for overtime pay for your province. It may help you avoid a surprise at pay day!